Frank Jotzo's picture

Frank Jotzo

Professor, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy; Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.


PhD ANU, Master of Economics of Development ANU, Dipl-VWL (BA Economics), Humboldt U Berlin

Contact details

Interviews and presentations can be found online.

A small selection of longer (pre-2021) TV and radio interviews:

ABC The Drum on climate policy in the context of the 2020 bush fires, January 2020

ABC Radio National Saturday Extra on coal transition, June 2019

ABC TV 4Corners Climate of Change, April 2019

Interview on Matter of Fact ABC TV, !9:30-30.00, (with Tony Wood) on energy and climate policy in Australia, April 2018

Interview on The Drum ABC TV (with a lively panel) on IPCC Synthesis Report, November 2014

ABC radio interview “China to hit ‘peak coal’ within the decade”, February 2014

ABC TV Future Forum “Who wins and who loses in a global green economy”, November 2011

ABC TV 4Corners “Heat on the hill”, March 2009

Updated:  1 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team