Pages tagged by "CAMA"

Rates could rise

Are we set for a pre-budget rate rise?

No need for mid-winter rate change

Shadow RBA says to hold steady for now.

Hold and wait the best policy for rates

Australia’s consumer and business confidence remain modest: Shadow RBA.

No need for pre-Budget rate change

Global uncertainty suggests rates should remain on hold: Shadow RBA.

Rates on hold as banks start to move

Unemployment and inflation mean rates should hold steady: Shadow RBA.

Keep rates on hold despite stronger growth

Global outlook remains uncertain say Shadow Board.

No need for pre-Christmas rate change

Shadow RBA says to hold steady for December.

Steady on

Rates should stay as they are in July: Shadow RBA

No need for rate cuts - Shadow RBA

Rates to remain on hold despite signs of economic weakness says Shadow Board.

Economic Reform vs political budgets

Australian budget leaves everything to chance, writes Warwick McKibbin.


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Updated:  30 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team