Emergent leadership series (extended)

Crawford School of Public Policy | Executive course
Policy Essentials


Join us for this Series to build competence and confidence to lead and manage in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world.

The series includes:

Course overview

As humans we are driven by unconscious patterns of behaviour that shape our perception, thinking, decisions, capabilities and actions. They also contribute to define who we are and how we relate and respond to the world. During more stable times these capabilities, practices and ways of being have been relatively successful in dealing and managing situations. In a volatile and uncertain world, our capabilities, ways of being and entrained patterns of behaviour are becoming increasingly inadequate to successfully respond to current and emerging situations.

If we are to be successful in a new world, we will need to redefine ourselves to have the identity with the appropriate skills and capabilities to lead and manage in a VUCA policy environment. This means that we need to develop new patterns of behaviour that will support new capabilities and ways of being that will give us the confidence and competence to take on the challenges and situations to lead and manage in new and rapidly shifting contexts. We require advanced skills and capabilities in how we:

  • relate to each other;
  • make sense of complex and uncertain situations and issues and be able to communicate that with others;
  • model and understand complex systemic issues and be able to present them to a variety of audiences;
  • make sense of the VUCA environment by crafting narratives that explains the situation for ourselves and for others;
  • can identify emerging patterns that need to respond in an effective way;
  • develop policy, strategy and responses in complex and uncertain situations; and
  • challenge our beliefs, perceptions and thinking that will improve decision-making for today and tomorrow.

When developed within us, these capabilities and skills will assist us to undertake a transformation in who we are- in how we relate to the world. This will support our quest in having the requisite frames and confidence for operating in a VUCA world.

Who should attend?

  • Any sector that needs to understand the nature of its business environment and develop an organised response with the capacity to identify emerging trends and be able to respond to them
  • Policy development and implementation business units
  • This course is suitable for APS6 - SES, or equivalent level.

Course presenter(s)

Dr Gary Saliba

Dr Gary Saliba is the Director of Strategic Journeys, a management consulting company that assists in strategy development work within organisations.

The unique role of Gary and his company is the integration of complex adaptive systems thinking with future studies and strategy development. This approach has enabled him to consult extensively across a range of government and commercial enterprises. Gary has developed organisational strategy that is based on plausible futures, using the scenario development methodology.

Gary’s approach is to work with people to enhance their processes in understanding their organisation’s operating environment and their own ways of operating. This leads to more informed decision-making and improved responsiveness and flexibility in an increasingly complex environment.

Gary holds a BSc(Hons), PhD in Applied Mathematics and Dip Ed from the University of Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.Dr Gary Saliba is Director of Strategic Journeys, a management consulting company, which assists people in organisations in strategy development work.

The unique role of Gary and his company is the integration of systems thinking, complex adaptive systems with futures studies and strategy development. This approach has enabled him to consult extensively across a range of government and commercial enterprises to develop organisational strategy that is based on plausible futures, using the scenario development methodology.

Gary’s approach is to work with people to enhance their processes in understanding their organisation’s operating environment and their own ways of operating. This all leads to more informed decision-making and improved responsiveness and flexibility in an ever increasingly complex environment.

Gary holds a BSc(Hons), PhD in Applied Mathematics and Dip Ed from the University of Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Previous positions include:

  • CEO- Regional Development Australia- Murray Region
  • Manager Australian Taxation Office
  • Projects Officer and participant on the Middle Managers Program- Department of Defence
  • Manager, Ionospheric Prediction Service- Department of Administrative Services

Updated:  18 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team