Quentin Grafton's picture

Quentin Grafton

Professor and Laureate Fellow; Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance


B.Ag. Econ (Massey), MS (Iowa State University), PhD (University of British Columbia)

Contact details

Recharging Australia’s energy future

Renewables and battery storage light the way forward.

Experts sign a ‘Magna Carta’ of water

A call for a dedicated human water security fund.

Towering neglect

Grenfell fire reveals a crisis in governance.

Stand up and deliver

The dangers of playing politics with voters.

Water to the world

The human right to water is a price worth paying.

No meaningful results from $5 billion water reform

Time for a rethink on Australian water policy.

Back to the future

Facing 2017 with historical hindsight.

A postcard from a post-truth world

Goodbye to the global annus horribilis

The US votes: Deplorables, Expendables and other ‘Nasties’

What does Trump's win mean for Trump voters?

The next great transformation

Will the world’s leaders rise to the challenge?

Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team