Crawford School working papers

Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, Neil Thomas, March 2015, Chinese ODI and the Need to Reform Australia’s Foreign Investment Regime paper no. EABER Working Paper No 117 .

Xiaodong Gong, March 2015, Nonparametric kernel estimation of the impact of tax policy on the demand for private health insurance in Australia paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 3/2015.

Sanchez, L, Stern, D, March 2015, Drivers of Industrial and Non-Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions paper no. CCEP 1502.

Joshua C.C. Chan , Angelia L. Grant, March 2015, Pitfalls of estimating the marginal likelihood using the modified harmonic mean paper no. CAMA Working Paper 08/2015.

Joshua C.C. Chan, March 2015, The stochastic volatility in mean model with time-varying parameters: an application to inflation modeling paper no. CAMA Working Paper 07/2015.

Elmar Mertens , James M. Nason, March 2015, Inflation and professional forecast dynamics: an evaluation of stickiness, persistence, and volatility paper no. CAMA Working Paper 06/2015.

Jean-Pascal Bassino, Marion Dovis, Pierre van der Eng, March 2015, Do Japanese MNCs use Expatriates to Contain Risk in Asian Host Countries? paper no. AJRC Working Paper 02/2015.

Shiro Armstrong, February 2015, The economic impact of the Australia-United States free trade agreement paper no. EABER Working Paper No 93.

Edda Claus, Mardi Dungey , February 2015, Can monetary policy surprise the market? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 05/2015.

Marcel Schroder, February 2015, Mercantilism and China's hunger for international reserves paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2015/04.

Marcel Schroder, February 2015, Valuation effects, risk sharing, and consumption smoothing paper no. ACDE Working Paper 2015/03.

Jin, W, Zhang, Z, January 2015, Product homogeneity, knowledge spillovers, and innovation: Why energy sector is perplexed by a slow pace of technological progress paper no. CCEP 1501.

Faruk Balli , Eleonora Pierucci , January 2015, Globalization and international risk-sharing: do political and social factors matter more than economic integration? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 04/2015.

Koki Oikawa , Kozo Ueda , January 2015, State-dependent pricing, firm entry and exit, and non-neutrality of money paper no. CAMA Working Paper 03/2015.

Rod Tyers, January 2015, Financial integration and China's global impact paper no. CAMA Working Paper 02/2015.

Faruk Balli, F.M. Pericoli, E. Pierucci, January 2015, Channels of risk-sharing at a micro level: savings, investments and the risk aversion heterogeneity paper no. CAMA Working Paper 01/2015.

Shiro Armstrong, January 2015, The economic impact of the Australia—United States free trade agreement paper no. AJRC Working Paper 01/2015.

Piyasiri Wickramasekara, January 2015, Mainstreaming migration in development agendas: assessment of South Asian countries paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2015/02.

Hom M Pant, January 2015, A generic approach to investment modelling in recursive dynamic CGE models paper no. ACDE Working Paper 2015/01.

Paudel, R, December 2014, Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth In Developing Countries: Does Stage of Development Matter? paper no. 1413.


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