Crawford School working papers
Callan, M, January 2012, What Do We Know About the Private Sector’s Contribution to Development? paper no. DP 11.
Dobes, L, January 2012, Adaptation to Climate Change: Formulating Policy under Uncertainty paper no. CCEP 1201.
Morris, M, November 2011, Measuring Poverty in the Pacific paper no. DP 9.
Morris, M, Pryke, J, November 2011, Beyond Paris: 11 Innovations in Aid Effectiveness paper no. DP 10.
Jayasuriya, D , September 2011, Improvements in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Rankings: Do they translate into greater foreign direct investment inflows? paper no. DP 8.
Pogge, T, August 2011, The Health Impact Fund: More Justice and Efficiency in Global Health paper no. DP 7.
Chand, S, June 2011, Who receives Australian aid, and why? paper no. DP 6.
Howes, S, Otor, S, Rogers, C, June 2011, Does the World Bank Have a Micro-Macro Paradox or Do the Data Deceive? paper no. DP 5.
Batten, A, June 2011, Aid and Oil in Papua New Guinea: Implications for the Financing of Service Delivery paper no. DP 4.
Anderson, I, February 2011, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Business Versus Bureaucracy in International Development paper no. DP 3.
Thomason, J , January 2011, PNG Mineral Boom: Harnessing the Extractive Sector to Deliver Better Health Outcomes paper no. DP 2.
Howes, S, January 2011, An Overview of Aid Effectiveness, Determinants and Strategies paper no. DP 1.
Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher, Faisal Rana, The detreminants of the volatility of returns on cross-border asset holdings paper no. CAMA Working Paper 1/2014.
Stijn Claessens , M. Ayhan Kose, Luc Laeven , Fabián Valencia , Understanding financial crises: Causes, consequences, and policy responses paper no. CAMA Working Paper 05/2013.
Kym Anderson, Costing global trade barriers, 1900 to 2050 paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2012/08.
Prema-chandra Athukorala, Global productions sharing and local entrepreneurship in developing countries: Evidence from Penang export hub, Malaysia paper no. ACDE Working No. 2017/01.
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