Crawford School working papers

Csereklyei, Z, Stern, D, December 2014, Global energy use: Decoupling or convergence? paper no. CCEP 1419.

Kerry B. Hudson, Joaquin L. Vespignani, December 2014, Understanding the deviations of the Taylor Rule: A new methodology with an application to Australia paper no. CAMA Working Paper 78/2014.

Kerry B. Hudson, Joaquin L. Vespignani, December 2014, Understanding the deviations of the Taylor Rule: A new methodology with an application to Australia paper no. CAMA Working Paper 78/2014.

Mario J. Crucini, Mototsugu Shintani, Takayuki Tsuruga, December 2014, Noisy information, distance and law of one price dynamics across US cities paper no. CAMA Working Paper 77/2014.

Kan Chen, Mario J. Crucini, December 2014, Trends and cycles in small open economies: making the case for a general equilibrium approach paper no. CAMA Working Paper 76/2014.

Mario J. Crucini, Gregor W. Smith, December 2014, Geographic barriers to commodity price integration: evidence from US cities and Swedish towns, 1732 - 1860 paper no. CAMA Working Paper 75/2015.

Tadashi Ito, Toshihiro Okubo, December 2014, Product quality and intra-industry trade paper no. CAMa Working Paper 74/2014.

Anella Munro, December 2014, Exchange rates, expected returns and risk: UIP unbound paper no. CAMA Working Paper 73/2014.

Ramesh C. Paudel, December 2014, Export performance in developing countries: a comparative perspective paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/26.

Che, N, Kompas, T, November 2014, Economic Analysis of the Effects of Eastern Australia's LNG Exports in Asia-Pacific on Domestic Gas Users paper no. 1410.

Che, N, Kompas, T, November 2014, The Structure and Dynamics of Liquefied Natural Gas Pricing in Asia and the Pacific and paper no. 1409.

Conroy, J, November 2014, Informality and ‘The Idea of the Town’ in Hubert Murray's Papua paper no. 1412.

Che, N, Kompas, T, November 2014, Projections for Eastern Australia's LNG Export Revenues: Opportunities and Risks in the Asia-Pacific Region paper no. 1411.

Heindl, P, Wood, P, Jotzo, F, November 2014, Combining International Cap-and-Trade with National paper no. CCEP 1418.

Csereklyei, Z, Rubio Varas, M, Stern, D, November 2014, Energy and economic growth: The stylized facts paper no. CCEP 1417.

Fei, T, Jotzo, F, November 2014, Reaping the economic benefits of decarbonization for China paper no. CCEP 1413.

Eric M. Leeper, James M. Nason , November 2014, Bringing financial stability into monetary policy paper no. CAMA Working Paper 72/2014.

Wensheng Kang, Ronald A. Ratti, Kyung Hwan Yoon, November 2014, The impact of oil price shocks on the stock market return and volatility relationship paper no. CAMA Working Paper 71/2014.

Robert Kollmann, November 2014, Exchange rates dynamics with long-run risk and recursive preferences paper no. CAMA Working Paper 70/2014.

Ronald A. Ratti, Joaquin L. Vespignani, November 2014, OPEC and non-OPEC oil production and the global economy paper no. CAMA Working Paper 69/2014.


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