Crawford School working papers

Eric Eisenstat, Rodney W. Strachan, November 2014, Modelling inflation volatility paper no. CAMA Working Paper 68/2014.

Masayuki Morikawa, November 2014, A Comparison of the Wage Structure between the Public and Private Sectors in Japan paper no. AJRC Working Paper 07/2014.

Fahad Hassan Khan, November 2014, From revenues to Democracy? paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/25.

Ditya A. Nurdianto, Budy P. Resosudarmo, November 2014, ASEAN economic community and climate change paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/24.

Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, October 2014, Japan’s foreign economic policy strategies and economic performance paper no. EABER Working Paper No 91 .

Masayuki Morikawa, October 2014, A comparison of the wage structure between the public and private sectors in Japan paper no. CAMA Working Paper 67/2014.

Martin Berka, Michael B. Devereux, Charles Engel, October 2014, Real exchange rates and sectoral productivity in the Eurozone paper no. CAMA Working Paper 66/2014.

Akshay Shanker, Sacha Vidler, October 2014, Offsets to compulsory superannuation: do people consciously choose their level of retirement saving? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 65/2014.

Renee A. Fry-McKibbin, Chen Wang, October 2014, Does inflation targeting outperform alternative policies during global downturns? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 64/2014.

Weifeng Liu, October 2014, Pareto improvements under matching mechanisms in a public good economy paper no. CAMA Working Paper 63/2014.

Ton van den Bremer , Frederick van der Ploeg, Samuel Wills, October 2014, The elephant in the ground: managing oil and sovereign wealth paper no. CAMA Working Paper 62/2014.

Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, October 2014, Japan's Foreign Economic Policy Strategies and Economic Performance paper no. AJRC Working Paper 06/2014.

Jayanthi Thennakoon, Kym Anderson, October 2014, Could the proposed WTO special safeguard mechanism protect farmers from low international prices? paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/23.

Prema-chandra Athukorala, Fahad Khan, October 2014, Global production sharing and the measurement of price elasticities in international trade paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/22.

David Vines, October 2014, Cooperation between countries to ensure global economic growth: a role for the G20? paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/21.

David Vines, October 2014, Cooperation between countries to ensure global economic growth: a role for the G20? paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/21.

Kien Trung Nguyen, October 2014, The impact of trade and investment liberalization on the wage skill premium: evidence from Vietnam paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2014/20.

Nao Sudo, Kozo Ueda, Kota Watanabe , Tsutomu Watanabe, September 2014, Working less and bargain hunting more: Macro implications of sales during Japan's lost decades paper no. CAMA Working Paper 61/2014.

Laura Carvalho, Corrado Di Guilmi, September 2014, Income inequality and macroeconomic instability: a stock-flow consistent approach with heterogeneous agents paper no. CAMA Working Paper 60/2014.

Michael K. Johnston, Robert G. King, Denny Lie, September 2014, Straightforward approximate stochastic equilibria for nonlinear rational expectations models paper no. CAMA Working Paper 59/2014.


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