Crawford School working papers
Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin, Ilmiawan Auwalin, Anis Chowdhury, November 2016, Revitalizing Indonesia’s manufacturing: the productivity conundrum paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2016/20.
Selwyn Cornish, Raghbendra Jha, November 2016, Trevor Swan and Indian Planning: The Lessons of 1958/59 paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2016/19.
Walton, G , Dinnen, S, October 2016, The Dark Side of Economic Globalisation: Politics, Organised Crime and Corruption in the Pacific paper no. DP 48.
Conroy, J, October 2016, Coffee, market economy and informality in late colonial Goroka, Papua New Guinea paper no. DP 49.
Diane Kraal, October 2016, The Petroleum Resource Rent Tax: overview of primary documents and literature leading to the 1987 legislation paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 9/2016.
Lilia Arcos Holzinger, Nicholas Biddle, October 2016, Behavioural insights of tax compliance: An overview of recent conceptual and empirical approaches paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 8/2016.
Lhawang Ugyel, October 2016, Formal and informal institutions in governance networks: managing diabetes in Australia and India paper no. Crawford School Working Paper 1601.
Markus Brueckner, October 2016, Mortality and urbanization: An African tragedy paper no. CAMA Working Paper 66/2016.
Markus Brueckner, October 2016, Consumption in Asia paper no. CAMA Working Paper 65/2016.
Laura Spierdijk, Sherrill Shaffer, Tim Considine, October 2016, Adapting to changing prices before and after the crisis: The case of US commercial banks paper no. CAMA Working Paper 64/2016.
Ondrej Filip, Karel Janda, Ladislav Kristoufek , David Zilberman, October 2016, Foods, Fuels or Finances: Which Prices Matter for Biofuels? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 63/2016.
Creina Day, October 2016, Non-scale Endogenous Growth with R&D and Human Capital paper no. CAMA Working Paper 62/2016.
Gunes Kamber, Ozer Karagedikli, Michael Ryan, Tugrul Vehbi, October 2016, International Spill-overs of Uncertainty Shocks: Evidence from a FAVAR paper no. CAMA Working Paper 61/2016.
Kym Anderson, October 2016, Sectoral trends and shocks in Australia’s economic growth paper no. ACDE Working Paper no. 2016/18.
Ian Coxhead, Rashesh Shrestha, October 2016, Globalization and school-work choices in an emerging economy: Vietnam paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2016/17.
Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., September 2016, Intermediate input linkage and carbon leakage paper no. CCEP 1606.
Melissa Ogier, September 2016, Mind the gap - The arm's length principle and MNE value creation paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 7/2016.
David Ingles, September 2016, Taxes on land rent paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 6/2016.
Zhang, Z, September 2016, Are China’s climate commitments in a post-Paris agreement sufficiently ambitious? paper no. CCEP 1607.
Domenico Lombardi, Pierre L. Siklos, September 2016, Benchmarking macroprudential policies: An inital assessment paper no. CAMA Working Paper 60/2016.
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