Crawford School working papers
Gunes Kamber, James Morley, Benjamin Wong, January 2017, Intuitive and reliable estimates of the output gap from a Beveridge-Nelson Filter paper no. CAMA Working Paper 3/2017.
Joshua C.C. Chan, Angelia L. Grant, January 2017, Measuring the output gap using stochastic model specification search paper no. CAMA Working Paper 2/2017.
Grace Taylor, Rod Tyers, January 2017, Secular stagnation: Determinants and consequences for Australia paper no. CAMA Working Paper 1/2017.
Wood, T, Cifuentes, A, Pryke, J, December 2016, NGO Donations and Support for Government Aid in Australia paper no. DP 50.
Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, Paul Hubbard, Neil Thomas, Dong Dong Zhang, December 2016, The Future of China's Economic Transformation and India’s Economic Strategies paper no. EABER Working Paper No 127 .
Haisken-DeNew , J, Hasan, S, Jha, N, Sinning, M, December 2016, Unawareness and Selective Disclosure: The Effect of School Quality Information on Property Prices
Wood, T, December 2016, Numbers, Trends or Norms: What Changes People's Support for Aid? paper no. DP 52.
Ronalds, P , December 2016, The Nauru Dilemma paper no. DP 51.
Dong Dong Zhang, December 2016, The Making and Implementation of the Belt and Road Policy paper no. EABER Working Paper No 126 .
Andrew Elek, December 2016, Efficient economic integration to facilitate global value chains paper no. EABER Working Paper 125 .
Takashi Kano, December 2016, Trend Inflation and Exchange Rate Dynamics: A New Keynesian Approach paper no. CAMA Working Paper 74/2016.
George Kudrna, Chung Tran, December 2016, Comparing budget repair measures for a small open economy with growing debt paper no. CAMA Working Paper 73/2016.
Kemal Kivanc Akoz, K. Peren Arin, Christina Zenker, December 2016, The political consequences of ethnic tension: Theory and evidence paper no. CAMA Working Paper 72/2016.
Kozo Ueda, Kota Watanabe, Tsutomu Watanabe, December 2016, Product turnover and deflation: Evidence from Japan paper no. CAMA Working Paper 71/2016.
Jong-Wha Lee, December 2016, Determinants of fertility in the long run paper no. CAMA Working Paper 70/2016.
Aisbett, E, Barbanente, G, November 2016, Impacts of Large Scale Foreign Land Acquisitions on Rural Households: Evidence from Ethiopia
Ann-Kathrin Koessler, Benno Torgler, Lars P. Feld, Bruno S. Frey, November 2016, Commitment to pay taxes: a field experiment on the importance of promise paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 10/2016.
Jong-Wha Lee, Ju H. Pyun, November 2016, North Korea's Economic Integration and Growth Potential paper no. CAMA Working Paper 69/2016.
Karel Janda, Jan Malek, Lukas Recka, November 2016, Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe paper no. CAMA Working Paper 68/2016.
Alrick Campbell, November 2016, Effects of oil price and global demand shocks on small island developing states paper no. CAMA Working Paper 67/2016.
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