Crawford School working papers

Pao-Lin Tien, Tara M. Sinclair, Edward N. Gamber, July 2016, Do Fed forecast errors matter? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 47/2016.

Shuping Shi, July 2016, Speculative bubbles or market fundamentals? An investigation of US regional housing markets paper no. CAMA Working Paper 46/2016.

Paul J. Burke, Zsuzsanna Csereklyei, July 2016, Understanding the energy-GDP elasticity: a sectoral approach paper no. CAMA Working Paper 45/2016.

Joshua C.C. Chan, Angelia L. Grant, July 2016, Reconciling output gaps: unobserved components model and Hodrick-Prescott filter paper no. CAMA Working Paper 44/2016.

Robert Breunig, Omer Majeed, July 2016, Inequality or poverty: which is bad for growth? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 43/2016.

Markus Brueckner, Birgit Hansl, July 2016, Drivers of growth in Russia paper no. CAMA Working Paper 42/2016.

Paul Kitney, July 2016, Financial factors and monetary policy: determinacy and learnability of equilibrium paper no. CAMA Working Paper 41/2016.

Breunig, R, Majeed, O, July 2016, Inequality or poverty: which is bad for growth?

Brueckner, M, Hansl, B, July 2016, Drivers of Growth in Russia

Kitney, P, July 2016, Financial Factors and Monetary Policy: Determinacy and Learnability of Equilibrium

Chan, J.C.C., Grant, A. L., July 2016, Reconciling Output Gaps: Unobserved Components Model and Hodrick-Prescott Filter

McDonald, C, Thamotheram, C, Vahey, S P, Wakerly, E C, June 2016, Assessing the Economic Value of Probabilistic Forecasts in the Presence of an Inflation Target

Murphy, C, June 2016, Efficiency of the tax system: a marginal excess burden analysis

Paul Hubbard, Dhruv Sharma, June 2016, Understanding and applying long-term GDP projections paper no. EABER working paper series paper no 119.

Chris Murphy, June 2016, Efficiency of the tax system: a marginal excess burden analysis paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 4/2016.

Adil Khan Miankhel, June 2016, Channelizing Afghanistan to Pakistan Informal Trade into Formal Channels paper no. EABER Working Paper No 123 .

Paul Gretton, June 2016, Modelling the potential impacts of economic reform in a partnership between Australia and China paper no. EABER Working Paper No 121 .

Christopher McDonald , Craig Thamotheram, Shaun P. Vahey, Elizabeth C. Wakerly, June 2016, Assessing the economic value of probabilistic forecasts in the presence of an inflaction target paper no. CAMA Working Paper 40/2016.

Wensheng Kang, Ronald A. Ratti, Joaquin Vespignani, June 2016, Global uncertainty and the global economy: decomposing the impact of uncertainty shocks paper no. CAMA Working Paper 39/2016.

Yingying Lu, Yu Liu, Meifang Zhou, June 2016, Rebound effect of improved energy efficiency for different energy types: a general equilibrium analysis for China paper no. CAMA Working Paper 38/2016.


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