Crawford School working papers
Baris Alpaslan, Abdilahi Ali, September 2016, The spillover effects of innovative ideas on human capital paper no. CAMA Working Paper 59/2016 .
Prayudhi Azwar, Rod Tyers, September 2016, Post-GFC external shocks and Indonesian economic performance paper no. CAMA Working Paper 58/2016.
Paul Cashin, Kamiar Mohaddes, Mehdi Raissi, September 2016, China’s slowdown and global financial market volatility: Is world growth losing out? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 57/2016.
Kamiar Mohaddes, M. Hashem Pesaran, September 2016, Oil prices and the global economy: Is it different this time around? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 56/2016.
Kamiar Mohaddes, Mehdi Raissi, September 2016, The US oil supply revolution and the global economy paper no. CAMA Working Paper 55/2016.
Markus Brueckner , Kien Trung Nguyen , September 2016, Growth in international commodity prices, the terms of trade, and GDP per capita: A case study of Vietnam paper no. CAMA Working Paper 54/2016.
Angela Abbate, Sandra Eickmeier , Esteban Prieto, September 2016, Financial shocks and inflation dynamics paper no. CAMA Working Paper 53/2016.
Ivan Gonzalez , Budy P Resosudarmo, September 2016, A sectoral growth-income inequality nexus in Indonesia paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2016/15.
Prema-chandra Athukorala, Juthathip Jongwanich, September 2016, How effective are capital controls? Evidence from Malaysia paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2012/16.
Muller, S, Wood, T , August 2016, Aid Online: An Analysis of How Australian Aid NGOs Use the Internet paper no. DP 47.
Patricia Apps, August 2016, Gender equity in the tax-transfer system for fiscal sustainability paper no. TTPI - Working Paper 5/2016.
Peter Drysdale, Zhang Xiaoqiang, August 2016, The Australia–China Commission: a Preliminary Proposal paper no. EABER Working Paper No 123.
Craig Benedict , Mario Crucini, Anthony Landry, August 2016, On what states do prices depend? Answers from Ecuador paper no. CAMA Working Paper 51/2016.
Kan Chen , Mario Crucini, August 2016, Trends and cycles in small open economies: Making the case for a general equilibrium approach paper no. CAMA Working Paper 50/2016.
Peter Docherty, Ron Bird, Timo Henckel, Gordon Menzies, August 2016, Australian prudential regulation before and after the global financial crisis paper no. CAMA Working Paper 49/2016.
Tom Krebs, Moritz Kuhn, Mark Wright, August 2016, Insurance in human capital models with limited enforcement paper no. CAMA Working Paper 48/2016.
August 2016, Negative interest rate policies: Sources and implications paper no. CAMA 52/2016.
Paul J Burke, Hewen Yang, August 2016, The price and income elasticities of natural gas demand: International evidence paper no. ACDE Working Paper No. 2016/14.
Betzold, C, July 2016, Aid and adaptation to climate change in Pacific island countries paper no. DP 46.
Burke, P, Csereklyei, Z, July 2016, Understanding the energy-GDP elasticity: A sectoral approach
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