Crawford School working papers

David Ingles, July 2017, What future for the corporation tax? paper no. TTPI Working Paper 3/2017.

Amanda Smullen , July 2017, Mutual Learning About Health System Performance in Australia's Intergovernmental Health Committee System? paper no. Crawford School Working Paper 1706.

Benjamin Wong, July 2017, Incorporating relevant multivariate information for characterizing half-life with an application to purchasing power parity paper no. CAMA Working Paper 47/2017.

James Morley, Benjamin Wong, July 2017, Estimating and accounting for the output gap with large Bayesian vector autoregressions paper no. CAMA Working Paper 46/2017.

Atsushi Sekine, Takayuki Tsuruga, July 2017, Effects of commodity price shocks on inflation: A cross-country analysis paper no. CAMA Working Paper 45/2017.

Melisso Boschi, Stefano d'Addona, July 2017, The stability of tax elasticities over the business cycle in European countries paper no. CAMA Working Paper 44/2017.

Anil Savio Kavuri, Warwick J. McKibbin, July 2017, Technology and leisure: Macroeconomic Implications paper no. CAMA Working Paper 43/2017.

Paul J Burke, Tsendsuren Batsuuri, Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, July 2017, Easing the traffic: The effects of Indonesia’s fuel subsidy reforms on toll-road travel paper no. ACDE Working Paper 2017/10.

Grant Walton, Ainsley Jones , June 2017, The Geographies of Collective Action, Principal-Agent Theory and Potential Corruption in Papua New Guinea paper no. Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 58.

Paul Gretton, June 2017, Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Detangling the Noodle/Spaghetti Bowl paper no. EABER Working Paper 130 .

Fei Teng, Frank Jotzo, Xin Wang, June 2017, Interactions between market reform and a carbon price in China’s power sector paper no. CCEP Working Paper 1707.

Francesco Ravazzolo, Joaquin Vespignani, June 2017, World steel production: A new monthly indicator of global real economic activity paper no. CAMA Working Paper 42/2017.

Leo Krippner, June 2017, A comment on Wu and Xia (2016) from a macroeconomic perspective paper no. CAMA Working Paper 41/2017.

Jan Libich, June 2017, Unpleasant monetarist arithmetic: Macroprudential edition paper no. CAMA Working Paper 40/2017.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Adele C. Morris, Peter J. Wilcoxen, Weifeng Liu, June 2017, The role of border carbon adjustments in a US carbon tax paper no. CAMA Working Paper 39/2017.

Arief Anshory Yusuf, Andy Sumner, June 2017, Multidimensional poverty in Indonesia: How inclusive has economic growth been? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 2017/09.

Masayuki Kobayashi, Shiro Armstrong, June 2017, Financing higher education in Japan and the need for reform paper no. AJRC Working Paper 02/2017.

Yasuo Hirose, Takeki Sunakawa, May 2017, The Natural Rate of Interest in a Nonlinear DSGE Model paper no. CAMA Working Paper 38/2017.

Huidrom R, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, May 2017, How important are spillovers from major emerging markets? paper no. CAMA Working Paper 37/2017.

Wensheng Kang, Ronald A. Ratti, Joaquin Vespignani, May 2017, Global commodity prices and global stock volatility shocks: Effects across countries paper no. CAMA Working Paper 36/2017.


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