Crawford School working papers

George Kapetanios , Simon Price, Garry Young , September 2017, A UK financial conditions index using targeted data reduction: forecasting and structural identification paper no. CAMA Working Paper 58/2017.

Irma Hindrayanto , Jan P.A.M. Jacobs, Denise R. Osborn, Jing Tian, September 2017, Trend-cycle-seasonal interactions: identification and estimation paper no. CAMA Working Paper 57/2017.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Andrew Stoeckel, September 2017, Modelling a complex world: Improving macro-models paper no. CAMA Working Paper 56/2017.

Robert Kollmann, September 2017, Tractable likelihood-based estimation of non- linear DSGE models paper no. CAMA Working Paper 55/2017.

Chris Murphy, September 2017, Optimal fiscal equalisation and its application to Australia paper no. ACDE Working Paper 2017/12.

Long Chu, Hoa-Thi-Minh Nguyen, Tom Kompas, Trinh Bui, Khoi Dang, August 2017, Optimal rice land protection in a command economy paper no. 1707.

J. Scott Davis, Ippei Fujiwara , Jiao Wang , August 2017, Dealing with time-inconsistency: Inflation targeting vs. exchange rate targeting paper no. CAMA Working Paper 54/2017.

Warwick J. McKibbin, Andrew Stoeckel , August 2017, Some global effects of President Trump’s economic program paper no. CAMA Working Paper 53/2017.

Mardi Dungey, John Harvey , Pierre Siklos, Vladimir Volkov, August 2017, Signed spillover effects building on historical decompositions paper no. CAMA Working Paper 52/2017.

Vishesh Agarwal, Sadia Arfin, Robert Breunig, Samuel Weldeegzie, Tong Zhang, August 2017, Nationalism and economic openness: The cross-country evidence revisited paper no. CAMA Working Paper 51/2017 .

Paul J. Burke , Ashani Abayasekara, August 2017, The price elasticity of electricity demand in the United States: A three-dimensional analysis paper no. CAMA Working Paper 50/2017.

Juyoung Cheong, Do Won Kwak, Kam Ki Tang, August 2017, The trade effects of tariffs and non-tariff changes of preferential trade agreements paper no. CAMA Working Paper 49/2017.

M. Ayhan Kose, Sergio Kurlat, Franziska Ohnsorge, Naotaka Sugawara , August 2017, A cross-country database of fiscal space paper no. CAMA Working Paper 48/2017.

Rohan Best, Paul J Burke, August 2017, The importance of government effectiveness for transitions toward greater electrification in developing countries paper no. ACDE Working Paper 2017/11.

Grant Walton , Tara Davda , Peter Kanaparo , July 2017, The Challenges of Providing Free Education in Papua New Guinea paper no. Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 61.

Stephen Howes , Ashlee Betteridge , Lawrence Sause , Lhawang Ugyel , July 2017, Evidence-Based Policy Making in the Tropics: Are Developing Countries Different? paper no. Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 59.

Grant Walton , Husnia Hushang, July 2017, Promises, Promises: A Decade of Allocations for and Spending on Anti-Corruption in Papua New Guinea paper no. Development Policy Centre Discussion Paper No. 60.

Peter Varela, July 2017, Relative welfare weights for individuals, consumers and producers paper no. TTPI Working Paper 6/2017.

Peter Varela , July 2017, An Inequality Deflator for Australia paper no. TTPI Working Paper 5/2017.

Peter Varela, July 2017, A gender deduction gap paper no. TTPI Working Paper 4/2017.


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